Stanley Ford Eastland

Fluid Flush Service

Fluid Flush Service

Fluid Flush Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

Most of your vehicle’s systems rely on fluids in order to stay properly lubricated and avoid heat. You’re not going to want to skip out on any of your necessary fluid changes or flushes, as your vehicle may experience significant problems without a proper level of its respective fluid. When you’re trying to avoid expensive repair bills around Ranger, Eastland, or Cisco, you’ll want to visit Stanley Ford Eastland, where our crew of knowledgeable mechanics will make sure that you have everything you need. 

Power Steering Flush

Power steering was revolutionary on its release, as drivers could now turn their wheel with ease, and no longer had to pull with all of their might. This modern luxury has to be maintained though, so if you feel like you may be running low on fluids, you’re going to want to bring your vehicle in for a check-up.

Transmission Flush

Your transmission provides power to your wheels, so without it, you won’t be going anywhere soon. Since this part is so important, you’re going to want to make sure that you stay topped up on transmission fluid, which lubricates your system and prevents friction. When you have a healthy amount of this fluid, you can expect to go over 30,000 miles on average before needing another flush.

Engine Coolant Flush

In order to keep your car running for as long as possible, you’re going to need to keep a close eye on your coolant. Your coolant serves as a safeguard for your engine, as it keeps it from quickly overheating as you drive. When you begin to run low, your engine is in danger of breaking down to the point that you may not be able to repair it, so you’re going to want to make sure that you have enough coolant at all times.

Fuel Injection Flush

When it comes to owning a vehicle, performance is everything. If you find that you’re not getting as many miles to the gallon as you’re used to, you may be experiencing a problem with your fuel system. With a fuel injection, your lines will be cleaned out in order to allow gasoline to easily pass through, restoring your gas mileage to its normal performance.

Brake Fluid Flush

When you press your brakes, you expect results. When your fluid becomes compromised through dirt and grime though, you run the risk of your brakes failing. This can not only be dangerous on the road, but it might also lead to crashes that could cost you much more down the line. By staying on top of your brakes, you’ll be able to stay on top of your safety.

Rear Differential Flush

Your rear differential experiences a lot of stress as it works to keep your rear-wheel drive vehicle moving. In order to make sure it doesn't run into any issues, you’ll want to make sure that it has enough fluid to keep operating without the risk of damage. By maintaining proper lubrication, you're prolonging the life of all the small metal parts moving inside of it.
When you need to resupply your systems with fresh fluids, you’re going to want to make sure you receive service at the right place. When you need to make sure everything is done correctly, you’ll want to schedule a service with Stanley Ford Eastland.