Stanley Ford Eastland

Tire Balancing Service

close up view of tires lined up

Tire Balancing Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

Your tires need a lot of care in order to stay in good shape. They’ll need to be properly rotated, aligned, and especially balanced. When your tires aren’t balanced correctly, it can impact the handling of your vehicle while also severely wearing away your tread. When you want to make sure that you get the most out of your current set of tires near Ranger, Eastland, or Cisco, you’ll want to schedule a service at Stanley Ford Eastland. 

Conserving Your Tread

If you want to make sure your tires last as long as possible, you’ll want to do everything in your power to conserve their tread. When a tire’s tread wears away, you’ll be forced to replace it entirely, as bald tires offer no grip on the road. The first step toward maintaining your tread is to make sure that your tires are properly balanced. When you first get your new set, your tires will all be different weights. Balancing simply means that mechanics will assess the weight of the tire with a machine before adding their own weights as needed. This can help reduce wear as you won’t have to worry about your tires hopping about as you drive, and you may even notice that you get better gas mileage as well. You’ll want to have this service performed every 5,000 to 6,000 miles, but if you start to experience problems, you can always schedule early. 

Problems with Your Balancing

When you want to make sure that you’re staying on top of balancing, you’ll want to look out for these signs below, as they might mean that you need service sooner rather than later.
  • Your Steering Wheel Rattles: Your steering wheel should be stable throughout your drive. If it’s not, you’re almost certainly having issues with your model.
  • Your Seats Seem to Shake and Vibrate: If you find that your seat is shaking, there’s a good chance that the rest of your vehicle is, too. 
  • You Notice Some Tires Wearing Away but Not Others: Your tread can tell you everything when it comes to whether or not you need service. If some tires have significant wear while others don’t, you could be dealing with a balancing, alignment, or rotation-related issue.
  • You Hear Loud Noises: You should never ignore loud and strange noises when you drive, as they might be trying to warn you of something. 

Visiting the Dealership 

If you’re at the dealership, you’ll be able to opt for a few different services that can help your vehicle. While you can always ask for something like an oil change, there’s a good chance that a technician will ask you about: 
  • Replacing Tires as Needed: if your tires are simply too worn to keep going, we can always provide you with a replacement. 
  • Aligning Your Current Set: When your tires are removed from your vehicle, they’ll need to be aligned when they’re put back. This will ensure that they’re at just the right angle so that more of your tread is conserved over time. 
  • Rotating Your Current Set: When you want your set to last as long as possible, you’ll need to rotate it regularly. Rotations differ depending on the drive of your model, but our mechanics can provide you with exactly what you need. 
When you want to keep your tread in good shape, you’ll want to schedule service with Stanley Ford Eastland.