Stanley Ford Eastland

Cabin Air Filter Service

Cabin Air Filter Service Near You

Cabin Air Filter Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

It’s highly likely that you don’t think too much about the air you’re breathing inside your vehicle. However, it has a big impact on everyone who is inside the cabin. The air that comes in may be loaded with particles that can cause issues with allergies. The air becomes stale as it gets recirculated. To prevent problems, you need to have the cabin air filter changed out. This is a job for the service department at Stanley Ford Eastland.

What the Cabin Air Filter Does

The cabin air filter is an unsung hero because it works without anyone realizing what it does. The service team will check the filter and replace it when it gets dirty as part of the routine maintenance you get at Stanley Ford Eastland. With a new filter, you can improve air quality in your cabin.

Preventing Pollution

The primary purpose of the cabin air filter is to trap pollutants that move through the air. The filter gets dirty in time, which shows just how hard it’s working. Pollutants include dust, smog, and pollen, as well as other particles too tiny for you to see.

Prevent Allergy Issues

By trapping these tiny particles, it can help you breathe cleaner air and prevent triggers that cause allergy problems. Once the filter becomes dirty, it isn’t as effective at trapping new particles. You will need to replace the filter, so that it can continue to do its job. If you live in an area that is high in pollen or other pollutants, you may need to change the filter more often.

Problems with a Clogged Cabin Air Filter

When the air filter gets clogged, it can’t work as effectively. It can lead to other problems with your vehicle. For instance, the air conditioning must work harder to pull air through the clogged filter. You may notice that it takes longer for the cabin to get cool on a hot day. The A/C may need to be repaired sooner than normal if you don’t maintain your filter.
The engine can work harder as well because it can’t get the air it needs to stay cool. It will have to work harder, which means more fuel being used. You may end up stopping more often to fill your gas tank when the air filter is dirty.
Read your owner’s manual to find out when you should have your air filter replaced. Most manufacturers recommend every 12,000 to 16,000 miles. The best way to know when to have it changed is to take it to Stanley Ford Eastland and have them inspect the filter. The technicians will let you know if it’s time to get a new filter.
Keep your vehicle running efficiently around Eastland, Cisco, and Ranger with the proper maintenance. Schedule service for your Ford online or give us a call and let Stanley Ford Eastland help you care for your car, truck, or SUV. Set up an appointment for cabin air filter service today.