Stanley Ford Eastland

Serpentine Belt Replacement

Close up view of a Serpentine Belt

Serpentine Belt Replacement and Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

Although you may not hear about it often, your serpentine belt is one of your vehicle’s most important parts. When it’s functioning optimally, you probably won’t even notice it toiling away in the background, but when it begins to run into problems, it can end up leaving you stranded and broken down. When you want to make sure that your model is in optimal condition near Ranger, Eastland, or Cisco, you’ll want to bring it to the mechanics at Stanley Ford Eastland. 

Your Serpentine Belt

Your serpentine belt has an incredibly important job, as it’s responsible for the well-being of everything from your alternator to your air conditioning. It can be found on the side or front of your engine and will be strung throughout a series of pulleys. This helps the belt keep its tension so that it can reliably connect to other parts of your vehicle. When your belt is in good condition, it’s responsible for recharging your battery, as it helps your alternator convert mechanical energy into usable electric energy. It also comes complete with an automatic tensioner, which can help it keep its tension even when temperatures are changing. 

Noticing The Signs

Not everyone is a seasoned mechanic, so it can be hard to know which part is giving you trouble when you’re on the road. Your serpentine belt is especially hard to diagnose, as it can easily present as a different problem entirely. Some signs that you’re going to want to look out for include:
  • Squealing or other unpleasant sounds 
  • Problems with your power steering
  • Your air conditioning may suddenly not work as well, or go out
  • You may find that your belt appears shiny, frayed, or even has chunks missing 
  • Your vehicle begins to overheat suddenly, even when you haven’t had any prior issues
  • Your battery isn’t charging, or your alternator or battery warnings appear
Since your serpentine belt is so important when it comes to your vehicle’s health, you’re going to want to make sure that it’s properly maintained. If you begin experiencing one or more of the above issues, you’re going to want to make sure that your model receives service sooner rather than later. Driving with a bad serpentine belt can result in your vehicle breaking down, and if it causes overheating, you may be looking at damaging other parts of your model. 

Scheduling Your Service

Your serpentine belt certainly isn’t a part you’re going to want to ignore, so when you’re in need of service, you’re going to want to head down to Stanley Ford Eastland. Once you’re here, our mechanics will be able to diagnose the problem, and they’ll be able to quickly solve any issues that you might be having. Your belt may require a tension adjustment, or if it’s in especially bad shape, a replacement. A new belt will last you between 60,000 and 100,000 miles on average, so it isn’t a repair you’re going to have to worry about often. Our mechanics will also make sure to check your automatic tensioner so that you don’t experience problems when the temperatures begin to shift. With a new serpentine belt, your vehicle will be running optimally, and you’ll be able to drive without the stress of a failing part. 
When you’re in need of help, you can schedule a service with Stanley Ford Eastland.