Stanley Ford Eastland

Hybrid and EV Tire Service

close up view of a tire laid on its side

Tire Service for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles at Stanley Ford Eastland

When you’re driving an electric model or a hybrid vehicle, your car will have different needs. The one thing that stays consistent though, is the fact that you’ll need to take care of your tires. EV models often require specific tires that can handle the increased stress. If you want to make sure that you’re giving your vehicle exactly what it needs, you’ll want to visit us at Stanley Ford Eastland.

Replace Your Tires at Stanley Ford Eastland

If you’re trying to find your next set of tires for your EV or hybrid, and you’re near Breckenridge, Eastland, or Cisco, you’ll want to visit us at Stanley Ford Eastland. Generally, it’s best to stick to the original set that your vehicle was equipped with, but they won’t last forever. The average set of EV tires will wear away after 30,000 to 40,000 tires. Due to the increased stress, your tread is going to go bald at a quicker rate. This is why it’s incredibly important that you keep up with your balancing, rotations, and alignments. Since your tread will disappear so quickly, you’ll want to prolong it as much as possible. If they’ve already reached the point where they need to be replaced, we’ll be able to help you find a new set. You’ll be able to choose from a wide variety geared toward different types of drivers.

The Design of EV Tires

You might not be familiar with just how different EV tires are. Some of the main improvements you’ll find include:

  • They’re Designed with Low Rolling Resistance: Friction is the main reason that your tread is disappearing. EV Tires tend to have lower rolling resistance than average tires.
  • Reduced Road Noise: Tires can be loud, but EV tires tend to be quieter in comparison to regular ones. This is helpful since you won’t have an engine to drown out the noise.
  • More Traction: EV tires are great at gripping the road as they were designed with traction in mind.
  • A Better Load Rating: These tires are made of strong materials as they’ll need to be able to handle the weight of an EV or hybrid model.

Servicing Your Tires Over Time

Your tread will disappear before you know it if you don’t keep up with your tire service. If you haven’t had one of these services recently, you’ll want to visit our service department.

  • Balancing Your Tires: Tires are typically pretty heavy, but that doesn’t mean that they’re all the same weight. By using a specialized machine, we can make sure that they’re uniform.
  • Rotating Your Tires: Tires deal with a different amount of friction depending on where they’re placed. When you rotate them, you can give worn tires a break.
  • Aligning Your Tires: The angle that your tires take on the road actually has a lot to do with the friction they deal with. We can correct the angle so that they don’t face as much resistance when you’re driving.

 If you’re trying to care for your tires, you’ll want to schedule your next service with Stanley Ford Eastland.