Stanley Ford Eastland

Synthetic Oil Change

Synthetic Oil Change Near You

Synthetic Oil Change Service at Stanley Ford Eastland

Your vehicle relies on several fluids to keep going, but there’s arguably nothing more important than your oil. Your engine is banging a bunch of metal parts around at high speeds, and your oil is essential to ensure that nothing gets damaged, and everything runs smoothly. When you’re cruising through Cisco or Ranger and you notice your mileage is getting a bit high, you can easily take a trip to Stanley Ford Eastland for quick, quality service in our service department.

The Purpose of Your Oil

Your oil is mainly responsible for lubrication, as you’ll find it between the bearings and moving parts of your crankshaft. It makes an extremely thin layer between the two, making sure that they never directly touch. This lubrication ensures they don’t hit each other at high speeds, preventing collision and general wear. Oil also has a secondary function, drawing away the heat in your engine. Your coolant system does a lot of the work, but if you happen to have problems there, your oil is your last defense against heat build-up. With such an important job, you’ll want to make sure your oil is top-of-the-line.

Checking Your Oil

When you’re worried that you might be nearing your next oil change, there’s one surefire way to know. You’ll want to open up your hood and check your dipstick, allowing you to see the color and level of your oil. Mileage isn’t the only thing that can cause you to need an oil change, so if it’s been quite a while since your last one, you may want to check your vehicle even if you haven’t driven it. Over time, oil can become filled with contaminants, slowly turning it into a thick sludge that can suffocate your engine. If your engine light comes on, the oil should be one of the first things you check. If you go too long without an oil change, you may considerably damage your engine to the point where you need a new one altogether. Because it’s so important for your vehicle’s long-term health, you’ll want to make it a habit to stay on top of your oil changes.

Why Synthetic Oil Is Preferred

Newer engines are designed a little bit differently from the models of the past. They’re often smaller and deal with pressures that are much higher. Synthetic oil is designed to bring out the best in performance and longevity, and many of these newer models were designed with it in mind. If you’re trying to capitalize on gas mileage, you’ll certainly want to fill your vehicle with synthetic oil because it helps with everything from stability to viscosity retention. You’ll also be able to drive much longer before your next oil change, which can save on both labor and time.

If you need an oil change with mechanics that value your time, you’ll want to schedule service with Stanley Ford Eastland in Eastland, TX.